aid text base64-encode
aid text base64-encode <INPUT> encodes a base64 string
aid text base64-encode "Hello, world!"
aid text base64-decode
aid text base64-decode <INPUT> decodes a base64 string
aid text base64-decode SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==
Hello, world!
aid text guid
aid text guid Generates a random GUID
aid text guid
aid text url-encode
aid text url-encode url encodes a string
aid text url-encode hello, world!
aid text url-decode
aid text url-decode decodes a url encoded string
aid text url-decode hello%20world%21
hello world!
aid text lines
aid text lines reads and prints lines from a text file
-i, --input <FILE> Input text file to search.
-s, --start <START> first line to print
-e, --end <END> last line to print
-f, --first <HEAD> number of lines from the start of the file to print
-l, --last <TAIL> number of lines from the end of the file to print
aid text lines -i .\ -l 10
| aid file zip | zips the files in the source directory |
| aid time unix | Display unix timestamp |
| aid time dt | Display the datetime |
| aid bits board | Display the number in bitboard representation |
| aid bits to-bin | Converts a number to it's binary representation |
| aid bits to-dec | Converts a number to it's decimal representation |
| aid bits to-hex | Converts a number to it's hex representation |
| aid math eval | Evaluates a math expression |
| aid math plot | Plot a math expression |
aid text replace
aid text replace Find and replace text using a regex pattern in the given input string.
-m, --match <PATTERN> Regex pattern to match substrings to replace.
-r, --replace <REPLACE> Replacement string for matched substrings.
aid text replace -m dog -r rock "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy rock.
aid text count
aid text count Count occurrences of a regex pattern in the given input string.
-m, --match <PATTERN> Regex pattern to match and count in the input.
aid text count -m in "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."