

Resolves consumers for a given payload and writes messages to the consumer_messages table for processing.


Writes scheduled messages to the scheduled_messages table.

DbSet: ConsumerMessage

Stores all messages awaiting processing by the ConsumerMessageProcessor.

DbSet: ScheduledMessage

Stores all scheduled messages awaiting processing by the ScheduledMessageProcessor.

DbSet: PoisonedMessage

Stores consumer messages that have reached AsyncMonolith.MaxAttempts, poisoned messages will then need to be manually moved back to the consumer_messages table or deleted.


A background service that periodically fetches available messages from the 'consumer_messages' table. Once a message is found, it's row-level locked to prevent other processes from fetching it. The corresponding consumer attempts to process the message. If successful, the message is removed from the consumer_messages table; otherwise, the processor increments the messages attempts by one and delays processing for a defined number of seconds (AsyncMonolithSettings.AttemptDelay). If the number of attempts reaches the limit defined by AsyncMonolith.MaxAttempts, the message is moved to the poisoned_messages table.


A background service that fetches available messages from the scheduled_messages table. Once found, each consumer set up to handle the payload is resolved, and a message is written to the consumer_messages table for each of them.


Used to resolve all the consumers able to process a given payload, and resolve instances of the consumers when processing a message. The registry is populated on startup by calling builder.Services.AddAsyncMonolith<ApplicationDbContext>(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); which uses reflection to find all consumer & payload types.

Notes 📋

  • The background services wait for AsyncMonolithSettings.ProcessorMaxDelay seconds before fetching another batch of messages. If a full batch is fetched, the delay is reduced to AsyncMonolithSettings.ProcessorMinDelay seconds between cycles.
  • Configuring concurrent consumer / scheduled message processors will throw a startup exception when using AsyncMonolith.Ef (due to no built in support for row level locking)