• Frequency: Scheduled messages will be produced periodically by the chron_expression in the given chron_timezone
  • Transactional Persistence: Schedule messages along with changes to your DbContext before calling SaveChangesAsync, ensuring your domain changes and the messages they produce are persisted transactionally.
  • Processing: Schedule messages will be processed sequentially after they are made available by their chron job, at which point they will be turned into Consumer Messages and inserted into the consumer_messages table to be handled by their respective consumers.

To produce your message you'll need to inject a IScheduleService

 // Publish 'CacheRefreshScheduled' every Monday at 12pm (UTC) with a tag that can be used to modify / delete related scheduled messages.
 _scheduleService.Schedule(new CacheRefreshScheduled
       Id = id
   }, "0 0 12 * * MON", "UTC", "id:{id}");
 await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);